How to use EpiPen

How to use EpiPen® auto-injector:
Blue to the sky. Orange to the thigh.

Anaphylactic reactions are life-threatening and can happen very quickly, so it is important you know how to use EpiPen® auto-injector in these emergencies.1


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If you or your child has been prescribed EpiPen, or if someone you know has severe allergies, it's important that you learn how to use EpiPen correctly. That way, you can feel more confident and prepared in the event of a severe allergic reaction. In the case of an allergic emergency, every second counts. That's why it's so important to always have easy access to EpiPen, and to use it at the first sign or symptom of a severe allergic reaction.

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Here's how.

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EpiPen is administered in two simple steps. Grasp the EpiPen auto injector with the orange tip pointing downward. Blue to the sky. Remove the blue safety cap by pulling straight up. Do not bend or twist it. Orange to the thigh. Place the orange tip against the middle of the outer thigh.

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Push hard against the leg until you hear a pop, which signals that the injection has started.

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Count slowly. One, two, three. EpiPen will work through clothing if necessary. After EpiPen is used, the orange needle cover will automatically extend over the needle. This safely covers the needle as the auto injector is pulled away from the thigh. You will not see the needle before, during or after use. Do not try to reuse EpiPen or EpiPen junior after the device has been activated.

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Remember that using EpiPen does not replace seeing a doctor or going to the hospital. So call 911 or go to the emergency room right after using EpiPen. Remember that the effects of epinephrine can wear off, or a second reaction could occur if symptoms continue or get worse. You can use another EpiPen or EpiPen junior 5 to 15 minutes after the first dose.

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That's why you may want to have more than one EpiPen auto injector handy. However, more than two sequential doses should only be given under direct medical supervision. Remember to bring all the used EpiPen auto injectors with you to the hospital. Give them to an emergency responder or health care professional after getting medical help. Stay close to a hospital or where you can easily call 911 for the next 48 hours after leaving the hospital.

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Remember to get and fill in a new prescription for an EpiPen auto injector. Watch this video as many times as you need to learn how to use EpiPen. You can also practice with the EpiPen trainer. For more information about severe allergic reactions and EpiPen, talk to your doctor or pharmacist or visit EpiPen. Okay.

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