Anaphylaxis is the term for a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction and must be treated immediately. The symptoms are varied and can be fatal. Epinephrine injected into the outer-mid thigh is the first line of treatment for anaphylaxis.1
EpiPen® and EpiPen Jr® are auto-injectors that contain epinephrine (adrenaline). Use EpiPen® immediately if you have signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis, as described by your doctor or pharmacist. Symptoms are potentially life-threatening and do vary.2
The symptoms of anaphylaxis may include2:
Swelling of the throat, lips, tongue, or the area around the eyes, metallic taste or itching in the mouth
Hives, flushing, itching, or redness of the skin
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Difficulty breathing or swallowing, wheezing and cough
Feeling faint, anxiety or an overwhelming sense of doom, collapse, loss of consciousness
Increased heart rate or decreased blood pressure, irregular heart beat, chest pain and paleness
Stomach cramps
Always carry your EpiPen® – if it’s with you, it could save you.2
It is important that you seek medical assistance or go to the emergency room immediately after using EpiPen® or EpiPen Jr®. Even if you have sought medical help, you must stay within close proximity to a hospital or where you can easily call 911 for the next 48 hours.2
EpiPen® is not a substitute for emergency medical/hospital care. Call 911 immediately after administering EpiPen® . An additional dose of EpiPen® may be needed while waiting for emergency care. EpiPen® is available from pharmacies with or without a prescription.